Injury and Accident Attorneys Serving St. Louis, Nearby Missouri, and Nearby Illinois
Transcript: How long is my case going to take? Well, a lot of it depends on you, the injured party. If you just go to the doctor one time and you don’t follow-up, well that’s a pretty short time. But if you document your injuries and you get, make every attempt to get better, then, A) You get better, and that’s our number one goal here at Brown & Brown is to get you the medical care, to get you better, then afterward get you compensated for your injuries.
So, I hate to reflect and say, "Okay, I gotta toss that back to the person, the injured party." However, it all depends on how badly hurt you were. The more you’re hurt, the more medical care you can receive and if you receive the medical care it’s a win-win situation because A) you get better and that’s our number one goal, to get you better, and B) After getting you better, let’s get you compensated for all of this and at Brown & Brown, you’ll be talking with me. If you give me a call, you can ask for me, Dan Brown.
So remember, if you have a motor vehicle collision or banged up on the job, call us for free, get a consultation. In Missouri, dial 314-333-3333. In Illinois, dial 618-888-8888. Or visit our website, That’s Brown Law Office (dot) com. And always remember, at Brown & Brown, if you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you.