When you sustain a catastrophic injury, insurance is often quick to offer a settlement. These companies know that, if they can get you to accept a settlement, you will not be able to seek compensation beyond their offer. If you have suffered a serious injury with lifelong consequences, accepting an insurance offer is not likely the best course of action.
What is a Catastrophic injury?
A catastrophic injury is one that will have far-reaching, potentially lifelong consequences. Injuries that may be considered catastrophic include:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Burn injury
- Amputation
These injuries will require both emergency and ongoing medical intervention. They may require medical specialists, various therapists, and other professionals for daily or weekly treatments. They may necessitate home modifications, adaptive technology, and medical devices. They may make it impossible to work. They may forever alter your relationships. All of these things must be taken into account when seeking compensation for a serious injury.
How do I Know What my Injury is Worth?
The best way to determine what your case may be worth is through a one-on-one consultation at the St. Louis or Illinois office of Brown & Brown. During this visit, we will listen to your description of your case, review pertinent details, and provide you with honest and useful information about your options. This complimentary case review is the first step towards learning what your case may be worth and in understanding how our firm can help you get the justice you deserve.
What Kind of Damages are Common in a Catastrophic Injury Claim?
Every case is different, but many serious injury cases seek damages for things including:
- Current and ongoing medical expenses
- Current and projected lifetime lost wages
- Forced changes to lifestyle
- Emotional suffering
- Physical suffering
Many insurance offers will provide payment for medical expenses and may even cover a portion of lost wages, but without taking legal action it is unlikely that you will see compensation for emotional and physical pain and suffering. During your free case review, one of our attorneys will help you understand which damages may apply to your case and what you can expect should you choose to take that route.
Brown & Brown Can Help
The personal injury lawyers at Brown & Brown have decades of experience helping victims of serious injury get compensation. Thorough and competent, our attorneys prepare every case for trial – even if mediation is the expected outcome – to help ensure our clients are provided the most effective representation possible. We work on a contingency basis, allowing you to focus on recovery while we handle the particulars of your case, and we are always willing to travel to your location if your injury has made mobility difficult.
Call 314-333-3333 to schedule a complimentary consultation at our St. Louis, MO office or 618-888-8888 for a free consultation at our Illinois, IL office. We serve St. Louis and surrounding areas of Missouri and Illinois.