Steps To Take After a Dog Bite Injury

dog bite injury (1) Whenever an accident or injury happens, it can be difficult to think and operate with a calm mind. From adrenaline to anxiety, your thoughts may be scattered. Not to mention the pain of the injury itself. 

When bitten by a dog, you may be shocked, surprised, and even scared. If you or a loved one have been bitten, here are the next steps to take after a dog bite injury

First Aid After a Dog Bite Injury 

Though having a medical professional look at your dog bite injury is a must, sometimes you may not have the luxury of time to be able to go to a doctor immediately. Especially if the wound is bleeding and the skin has been broken, it’s important to decrease the possibility of infection. 

The Center For Disease Control (CDC) recommends cleaning minor wounds with warm, soapy water and covering them with a bandage. For serious, deeper wounds, apply pressure until the bleeding has stopped. 

You should seek medical treatment after the dog bite, especially if you do not know the current vaccination status of the animal. Also, seeking medical attention helps provide vital documentation for a future legal claim. 

Documenting The Dog Bite Injury

Once the wound has been treated, for the sake of a personal injury claim, documenting the injury through pictures and a written statement by any medical professionals who care for you can help. 

Dog Bite Personal Injury Claim In Missouri 

In Missouri, the law is clear: the owner or possessor of any dog that bites someone with no provocation is responsible for damages suffered. You have within five years of the incident to file a claim; however, delays in filing can hamper the success of your case.

It is heavily recommended that you speak to an attorney experienced with these matters to ensure proper avenues of law are followed. 

Dog Bite Personal Injury Claim In Illinois

Illinois is similar to Missouri when it comes to dog bite injuries. Though the letter of the law is different, the spirit remains the same: anyone who is peaceably conducting themselves and is attacked, attempted to attack, or is injured by a dog, would result in the dog owner having to pay for those injuries. 

Your time to file a claim is shorter than in Missouri, with Illinois allowing for only two years from the time of the incident. 

Brown & Brown Knows Dog Bite Injury Law In Missouri and Illinois 

Dog bite injuries can result in pain, both physical and emotional. You can face financial losses as well if you suffer time lost from work. Let the law offices of Brown & Brown help you recover.. Having served thousands of people, it would be our honor to help you as well. With offices in both St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois, we look forward to being able to help you.

With over 30 years of experience, Brown & Brown can help. Please click here to contact our Missouri or Illinois legal offices. We look forward to speaking with you.

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