5 Essential Safety Tips for Motorcyclists: How to Minimize Your Crash Risk

Essential Safety Tips for Motorcyclists: How to Minimize Your Crash Risk

Essential Safety Tips for Motorcyclists: How to
Minimize Your Crash Risk


For National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, we recently shared some of the latest findings about the prevalence and causes of motorcycle crashes in the U.S. Continuing to support this cause, we are now presenting some essential riding safety tips for motorcyclists. These tips can help dramatically reduce riders’ risk of being involved in motorcycle crash.

  1. Always wear a DOT-approved safety helmet & other safety gear – A DOT-approved helmet can reduce riders’ risk of catastrophic, if not fatal, head injuries in the event of a crash by about 50 percent. In addition to wearing a helmet, other important safety gear riders should wear to enhance their protections while riding include (but may not be limited to):
    • Gloves
    • A thick jacket
    • Boots with nonskid soles
    • Gear with reflective lights or tape to enhance visibility (especially when riding in the evenings).
  2. Check the weather before riding – And consider changing your plans if adverse weather conditions are expected during your riding time. Opting for alternative modes of transportation when rainy, stormy, snowy, etc. conditions are occurring can help riders avoid putting themselves in situations in which their crash risk would significantly increase.
  3. Never speed – Speeding is factor in more than 1 in every 3 fatal motorcycle accidents in the U.S.1 One of the primary reasons that speeding is so often linked to deadly motorcycle crashes is that, when riders speed, they have far less time to take corrective action to avoid crash risks.
  4. Never ride after drinking – About 40 percent of riders involved in fatal, single vehicle crashes were impaired by alcohol when the accident occurred.1 Trying to operate any motor vehicle, including a motorcycle, after drinking alcohol is always a mistake because drunk motorists are at least four times more likely to be involved in a crash than sober drivers.
  5. Anticipate that other motorists won’t see or look out for you – In other words, ride defensively. Specifically, this can involve:
    • Waiting an extra few seconds at red lights and stop signs before proceeding
    • Trying to stay out of other motorists’ blind spots
    • Signaling well in advance of any intended  lane changes or turns
    • Generally expecting that other motorists will not yield to riders’ rights of way.

While the above riding safety tips can help motorcyclists limit their crash risks, when accidents do end up happening, one of the best things injured riders – or any crash victim – can do is to contact an experienced injury attorney at Brown & Brown Attorneys at Law.

Contact a St Louis Motorcycle Accident Lawyer at Brown & Brown Attorneys at Law

If you have been hurt in a motorcycle crash, contact the St Louis motorcycle accident lawyer at Brown & Brown Attorneys at Law, who are experienced at aggressively defending injured people’s rights in any legal setting. Our goal is to preserve and promote the rights and welfare of individuals and families who have suffered injuries and losses and/or who need help navigating the complexities of the legal system.

To learn more about how we can help you, attend a free, no obligations initial consult with a St Louis lawyer at Brown & Brown. You can schedule this meeting by calling us at 573-333-3333 for our Missouri office or at 618-888-8888 for our Illinois office. You can also email us using the form at the right-hand side of the screen.

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